- Teacher: Chris Corbin
- School: Angus Valley Elementary
- Grant Funding Amount: $915
Angus Valley Elementary is empowering students to lead healthier, more active lives thanks to a grant from the Sand Springs Education Foundation. Physical education teacher Chris Corbin has introduced CrossFit-inspired workouts to the school, providing students with an exciting and effective way to build strength, endurance, and coordination.
Equipped with age-appropriate CrossFit equipment, students are participating in fun and challenging exercises that develop their overall fitness and well-being. These activities improve physical health and foster teamwork, discipline, and resilience. By incorporating CrossFit into the physical education curriculum, Angus Valley Elementary is expanding upon a culture of wellness, empowering students to make healthy choices throughout their lives.
This innovative program is not only transforming the way students experience physical education but also preparing them for a lifetime of fitness and achievement.
Building Stronger Students
Developing a healthy and active lifestyle is critical for children. Your support helps the Sand Springs Education Foundation provide students with the tools and resources they need to thrive. By investing in physical education and wellness programs, we’re building a healthier and happier Sand Springs. Join us in our mission to shape a brighter future.