From the bustling stages of high school drama to commanding the American Forces Network-Korea, Eric Bloom’s career is a testament to dedication, adaptability, and a passion for storytelling. His journey is one of remarkable achievements, from early aspirations in broadcast production to pivotal roles in military public affairs.
Lt. Col. Eric Bloom, Charles Page High School Class of 1982, has navigated a remarkable career fueled by a strong work ethic and a passion for exploration. His fascination with travel began early, sparked by a world map in his first job at International Travel. During high school, Eric was actively involved in Band, Speech & Debate, and had a particular fondness for Drama, especially the technical aspects of stagecraft.
College introduced him to the world of cameras and editing, and his enlistment in the Oklahoma National Guard helped fund his education. Eric’s career in television took off with Cloud Nine Productions in Tulsa, where he gained invaluable experience in producing and directing short films and commercials. Earning a degree in Broadcast Production, he went on to work on larger productions, including projects for motivational speakers like Zig Ziglar and Tony Robbins, as well as for President George H. W. Bush.
A pivotal moment in Eric’s life came on September 11, 2001, when he transitioned from citizen soldier to Major Eric Bloom. Deployed to Afghanistan as the Public Affairs Officer for the 45th Infantry Brigade, he was tasked with telling the Oklahoma National Guard’s story and training Afghan Army public affairs officers. After his deployment, Eric continued his service on active duty in Heidelberg, Germany, where he worked with NATO units and trained foreign armies on media relations.
In Iraq, Lieutenant Colonel Bloom played a key role in establishing the Iraqi Army’s new social media presence, earning the Gen. Keith L. Ware Award for his efforts. Currently stationed in Seoul, South Korea, he commands the American Forces Network-Korea, continuing his dedication to military communication and public affairs.